Saturday, 21 January 2012

This Weekend

WEEKEND CHALLENGE: This weekend is all about lifting! Before each meal on Saturd...

WEEKEND CHALLENGE: This weekend is all about lifting! Before each meal on Saturday and Sunday, pick something up (it could be laundry, your kid, dumbbells, shopping bags, etc.) and lift it over your head 10 times (3 sets). You can either do single presses or use both arms. Advanced Option: Add squats between each rep. If you can, snap a photo of yourself lifting this weekend. We’ll be asking for you to share those pics with us on Monday morning! So...ARE YOU IN? We’ll be posting reminders all weekend. read more..

It's past five o'clock at 4xSquare. After a busy week of closing our March issue...

It's past five o'clock at 4xSquare. After a busy week of closing our March issue we're ready to kick up our heels, if only for a hot second. We'll be sipping Prosecco and Red Velvet from our friends at Cupcake Vineyard Wines Here's why you should treat yourself to a glass of red tonight: read more..

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